Friday, February 20, 2009

Vitamin supplements good for kids?

A new study shows that the majority of children regularly taking vitamins are in a good health and do not need these supplements.

Scientists warn that at-risk children and adolescents including those with less healthy nutrition and activity patterns, greater obesity, lower income, lower food security, poorer health, and lower healthcare access use the lowest amounts of vitamin supplements.

According to a study published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, low-income families are less likely to provide their children with vitamins and minerals regardless of the child's health status.

About one-third of US children and teens who regularly take vitamins are healthy and active; children in fair or poor health with bad eating habits, however, are less likely to take the pills.

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend vitamin supplements for healthy children over the age of one following a varied diet.

Scientists, however, concluded that taking the pills on a daily basis and following the dose recommended on the label will not harm such children.

They urged families to adopt a healthy diet, adding that a varied diet consisting of fresh fruit, vegetables and fiber is the best source for vitamins and minerals.